Contemplating taking up content writing in 2021? If you want to venture into the world of content writing, this is the right time to take that plunge. The advantage of working from the comfortable space of your home makes it an alluring profession today. Moreover, you can take content writing at any point in life. There is no age bracket or certain required qualifications to start working in the content domain.

Today we are going to discuss the top content writing tips for beginners. This will help you to become more confident and follow some well-defined steps. Ensure that you note the following rules carefully to become ace content writers in a very short period.
Choose a Profitable Niche
If you are a beginner in the world of content writing, you will have to find a niche that will help you to rank high on search engines. It is essential to choose a specific market to gain visibility. For beginners, you must do extensive research and find keywords that are mostly low in competition.
Initially, you need the traffic to your website or blog to get people to take notice of your writing. If you do not rank on search engines, there is no way your target reader is going to know that your website exists.
Therefore choosing a profitable nature with low competition but with a good search volume, is key.
Some of the niches for beginner content writers are as follows
Fitness And Health
Spirituality And Self-improvement
Small Business Ideas
Pet Care
Relationship Advice
Technology Review
Beauty Products And Accessories
Do It Yourself (DIY)
Using Gadgets
Home Decor Among Others
Start Keyword Research
Once you have chosen a specific market you have to look for the keywords that rank on search engines relevant to your niche.
Keywords are phrases or set of words that are most relevant to your focus group on Google. When you incorporate it in your write-up Google identifies the topic of your content. Based on the quality of the post, Google ranks your content on its SERP pages.
For example, you have chosen self-improvement as your niche. your keywords can be as follows:
Personality Development
Self-improvement Tips
Self-improvement Ways
Blogs And Books on Self-Improvement
Self-improvement Goals
Personality Development Principles Among Others.
Keyword research is an extremely essential part of the entire aspect of creating content. For beginners who have ventured into content writing, it is all the more important.
Invest time in understanding which keywords are ranking. This is fairly simple. When you type in your niche on a Keyword tool like ubersuggest it comes up with several options as keywords.
Conversely, you can explore SERP pages and go through the articles that rank on the first two pages of Google. The set of words in your niche can be your keywords in your niche.
Search Digital Platforms to assess your target audience
One of the most significant content writing tips for beginners is to scour different digital media platforms. This will give you a fair idea of the target reader you will be catering to.
If you write a very high-grade article, but you don’t have any readers then the whole point of creating the content is moot. Digital platforms like Yahoo Answers, Reddit, and social media channels will give you a fair idea of your reader persona.
This means you will be able to derive certain data about your target reader when you go through these posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
For example, if you choose a niche like online marketing, most likely your reader persona’s age category will be roughly around 21- 35. This is the time when professionals decide to take the risk of starting their own business ventures. It is also a time when fresh graduates decide on career options to pursue.
You will have to tailor your content according to your reader’s persona to appeal to the sensibilities and make an impact as a writer. As a beginner or seasoned writer, the most important part is to connect with your target reader. It’s only then that you can establish trust. That will generate traffic and get recurrent visitors.
Invest Time in Formulating Headline
Ask any eminent content writer they will unequivocally emphasize the importance of headlines. The most important utility of headlines is it helps to capture the attention of your target reader. It is through your headlines that you get your leads.
You should always invest time in formulating headlines, preferably 5 or more. Then you can compare the headlines and decide which one suits your content copy the best.
You can all zero in on the perfect headline after you’ve completed writing your entire content. Also, a tool like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer helps you with deciding which headlines will grab the most attention.
Create effective CTA
Content Writing is not solely for target groups to read your content and forget about it. It is about providing value to your readers by helping them make the proper decision regarding a particular product or service.
CTA or call to action are words that help your readers to take the next step in your content marketing process. A call to action generally asks your reader to make a decision based on the content they have just consumed.
It might be signing up for newsletters, getting a free eBook, knowing about new developments. As a beginner in content writing, go through the different CTA by reputed bloggers and businesses. observe how they construct the CTA. Carefully look at the choice of words. Whatever the goals of your business, CTA is paramount to achieve them. They are extremely important to drive conversions and facilitate the marketing aspect.
Choose a Topic and Style of Writing
You can choose a topic and turn it into a listicle, life hack, how to among other topics. When you create content take care to position your write-up carefully conforming to the behavioral patterns, and preferences of your target consumers.
A lot of people follow different style guides like the AP style guide, APA style guide, the Chicago manual of style. These are rules that help to define the way you should use abbreviations, punctuations, colors, use of words, grammar tone design, and format of writing.
However, it is not mandatory to use any particular style of writing. As long as your content is clear, and you punctuate, provide clarity will solve the purpose of creating value.
You have tools like Grammerly that help to polish your content giving it clarity. It does not use any specific form of the
Create Internal Links
Your content should include internal links for Search Engine Optimisation. Internal links invariably help Google to understand the credibility of your web pages and the structure of your content.
It bolsters your efforts at creating a good search engine optimized strategy. Internal links also help your readers to navigate to other pages of your website, thereby providing them with resources to build trust and develop a good camaraderie.
As a beginner in content writing, one of the tips is to create an aesthetic website. And create several articles that you can internally link for your target readers.
So here in this article, we have explained in detail the top 7 content writing tips for beginners in 2022. Your ambition and penchant for learning will make you successful in this field. Maintain discipline, create a schedule of content to write. Give importance to the structure of your content and the formatting of your text. Research thoroughly even before you start writing. It is challenging for a beginner because several factors are at play here. Make use of all the tools available to you.